The "stuff" that there is too much of is US. The object should be to decrease the world's population, to erase footprints, not to simply shrink them. Less people = less footprints.
This is a blog for OCAD Think Tank Students in sections 5 & 12 with Professor Martha Ladly
Seems like you can't edit comments, but you can delete AND make sure to check the "delete forever" box before doing it or there will be an unsightly place holder where that comment used to be:
Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
There was a test10 and test5 and they are completely gone because I checked the box, but test2's ghostly presence will haunt this post forever!
Wait, not true. I just killed test2. Everything can be deleted.
except in another person's blogger post. the ghost of my comment with no trashcan icon appears there. that makes sense, kind of vestigial behaviour from older code of blogger.com before multiple blogger blogs existed and only the author of the blog could delete the comments.
hmm..no trashcan to send unwanted stuff to, then a placemarker or "footprint" to indicate that you had been there, left something there.
What about a historical footprint? Instead of taking a static snapshot of one's footprint NOW, we go back and track our footprints all the way to the first one.
If you can navigate your way back to the dashboard, you can select [Edit Posts]. This will display all the posts for the blog but you should see the one that you originated and be able to edit that one.
The quickest way that I've found to the dashboard is signing on via www.blogger.com and not the Think Tank direct link.
I think I'm getting better at handling these annoyances. I used to pull out my hair trying to fight them but now I just go with the flow...and then throw in the sucker punch!
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