Hello my name is Alexandra. The photo above was taken at my gran

dmother’s house in Ajijic, Mexico, a town that has changed a lot since her and my grandfather first moved there around 14 years ago. However her other home is a little bit more special to me. The photo to the right was taken at my grandmother’s farmhouse in Orangeville. I couldn’t find a recent picture of her actual farmhouse, but I thought you would all enjoy a photo of the cows, they aren’t her cows though, they actually belong to the farmer beside her. My family has gone up there all times of the year since I was born, tobogganing in the winter, and flying kites in the fall. The farmer who owns the farm next to her house has always let us use his land to do this. I hope in ten years there is still predominately farmers living in the area and that the area remains rural and not urbanized so we can continue to enjoy this little escape just an hour from the city.
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