hey everyone! my name is Caroline and I am from Montreal. The place that i chose is very dear to me, Sans Souci Riding Centre. It is a summer camp for kids and I was a camper there for 7 years and have been a riding instructor for 5 years now! It is a second home to me. Sans Souci has been open for 35 years.

10 years ago it was rundown and needed alot of work but in those 10 years new owners (don nd carolyn) fixed it up and is now a well known camp in Quebec. I think in 10 years it will still be running as a riding camp and maybe also have events (for eventing style riding) in the dressage ring, on the cross country course out in the field and the stadium course. It will continue to make many children fell welcome and have an exciting place to go to in the summer time. There may be a larger lesson plan. Also it will hopefully be more ecofriendly then it already is. There is a big recycling program and wood for fences is reused at the moment. There will hopefully be a bigger program to teach more advanced riders how to show. I think that in 10 years this place will be even more amazing then it is now and host events!
www.sans-souci.qc.ca (the pictures are from this site)

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