As Canadians, we spent 90% of your time inside, whether it be at home, at work or in recreational facilities, so keeping the inside clean of potential air pollutants is very important. Indoor air pollution can come from things such as solid fuel, cleaning products and paint, a large part of the problem is due to V.O.C. or Volatile Organic Compounds, which are particles that are released from products like paint and cleaners. These particles can pollute the air both inside and outside your homes. The link below shows a chart that measures the indoor air quality of countries from all over the world; 0.0 being the best indoor air quality and 100.0 being the poorest. We've noticed that the third world countries such as Haiti and Sudan have very good indoor air quality whereas countries such as Canada, The U.S. and Taiwan have among the poorest of indoor air quality. We believe this is so due to the difference in materials available between the third and first world countries.
Link: http://epi.yale.edu/IndoorAirPollution
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