
Community-Naturalize Change

Hey Guys, Here's a little diagram to show the concept of my thesis. Using photosynthesis as a model, this breaks it up easy to layout ideas. For think tank I will be focusing on the 'H2O' part. This 'H20' is how the community is involved with the progress of sustainable development or the 'Naturalize Change'. I have been looking at a framework called the Natural Step, it seems to be working for countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway, USA, and even here in Canada. Check it out: http://www.thenaturalstep.org//
In a sustainable society, human needs are met fairly and efficiently, and basic needs are met first before provision of luxuries.
condition #4
As a tree roots store nutrients and gather water, a community will work similar, gathering materials and ideas for the building. Showing these ideas through the programming and innovative ideas of dealing with energy, waste and our own footprint. This building within its community will work not alone but as the Natural Step calls it, Eco-Municipality; working amongst diverse groups that share the area.

Rachel De Vries

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