
Biking in Toronto

Bike sharing: Free or low cost bicycles that can be rented for a set amount of time from various stations in or around a city or area.

Increased biking would help Toronto by reducing traffic congestion, reducing smog, and making Toronto a friendlier place to be! yay!
Bike problems in Toronto:
Theft: 7000 bikes are stolen in Toronto each year, making it the city with the highest bike theft per capita in the world.
http://community.livejournal.com/dirtydawgs/28898.html <- here is a good article about bike theft in our city
We propose the re-instigation of the Bikeshare program, but with a few changes. We think the Call a Bike system, which is in operation in Germany and also parts of England would be the most appropriate for Toronto
Here is a short video explaining how it works.
This way the bike share will not rely on funding from the city, which was its downfall last time. Money could be raised through advertising, or local businesses would sponsor bikes in exchange for advertising and the chance to show their green-ness.

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