
Transit assignment 3

How to improve the Student metro pass at OCAD

- The TTC does not offer university students a reduced bus/metro pass.
- OCAD offers a reduced metro pass that students can purchase throw the school for 98$ instead of 109$.
- This is the best offer that a university student in Toronto can get.

- Make OCAD students more aware of the reduced bus that the school has because most students do not open this email.
- Create posters and instead of only selling the pass for 2 hours in the month having the sign up during events that the school is having.
- On a large scale if OCAD teamed up with other Toronto universities and try to get the TTC to create an intermediate pass like in Montreal. The metro pass should be the same as high school students. University students pay for the pass themselves.
- The process for a student to get the card should be less complicated and improved from what it is now for high school students.

Caroline, Jonah, Stephanie

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